Fair Share of Challenges
Being fairly new in the industry, EyRIS faced several challenges. Among them, two of the primary challenges were, obtaining reliable data and the long validation process of the algorithm. “Due to the personal data protection acts, the acquisition of well-labeled data was restrictive. Through collaboration and multiple data-sharing agreements, we accumulated a sizeable dataset of multi-ethnicity and condition severity,” Teik Kin explains.
EyRIS established a training dictionary to ensure standardization of assessment methods such as diabetic retinopathy grading to the International Classification of DR Scale (ICDRSS). Constructed on this training dictionary, the SELENA+ algorithm was finally developed, subsequently validated and further refined.
Speed, Scalability, and Accuracy
SELENA+ is a highly skilled eye screening system that will help to detect the possibility of eyesight loss or deterioration. As aforementioned, building such a high-tech platform requires significant resources and time to train human graders; and subsequently maintain a reading center with a pool of skilled graders. Furthermore, image grading is a repetitive and laborious task that limits the number of patients being screen in a day.
EyRIS utilizes basic computing power in its solution, which makes it capable to carry out multiple fundus image interpretations in mere seconds. Besides, the AI algorithm can detect 3 retinal diseases versus just DR in many other AI software.
EyRIS’s SELENA+ not only assures speed and scalability but also demonstrates the grading accuracy to be at least as good as a trained human grader. Teik Kin is confident that the combination of these factors will make SELENA+ a game-changer in bringing rapid screening to the masses for early detection and treatment to prevent further complications.
Underlying Challenges
Looking at the demographics, loss of vision brought by diabetes is a rising issue. However, this can be prevented with early detection and treatment. As Teik Kin has been in the industry for years, he has observed that eye screening is often reduced to negligible healthcare. He states that the reason behind low-compliance to annual screening can be due to several reasons such as,
· Access to Screening Facilities: Several countries’ national healthcare systems are not capable or aware of the need to identify where treatments need to be prioritized. Under such scenarios, SELENA+ provides a possible paradigm shift in how it can overcome financial and skilled-manpower challenges hindering the deployment of a more comprehensive screening for the population.
· Cultural Bias: Health screening and check-ups are not a common practice for many communities and people tend to where people tend to only seek treatment when they experience vision problems. In such communities, EyRIS works with stakeholders such as public institutions or non-profit organizations on education programs to explain the benefits of regular screening and get them back into the “system”.