CELLPAY: A One-Stop Shop for All the Digital Payment 

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Innovative 2021
Today, we are penning the success story of CELLPAY, a company connecting 15 Domestic Carrier and 160 international countries with 600 mobile carriers. Before, we further drive deep into what CELLPAY is? And how it became such a huge success? We must first learn about the two aspects; the rise of the smartphone and telecom market.

Over the last few years, the mobile phone industry has witnessed a huge spike in demand due to smartphones. Today, consumers are more inclined towards smartphones. This transformation occurred with the change in the lifestyles and requirements of the consumers. The fast pace life demanded remote calling service. Alongside, there was a rise of the telecom industry supporting the need for the smartphone market. Several telecom operators also entered the market with their unique range of services and offerings. However, the payment mode or the payment method was not particularly secure while the transaction was taking place. It needed companies like CELLPAY to provide a fast and secure mode of payment.

Furthermore, the digital landscape has widened its reach to suffice its benefits to customers at large. Additionally, it has leveraged numerous companies to connect with its customers to provide its services and offerings. Today, customers are relying heavily on branded payments to control their budgets. “Digital payments have become a substantial category within the alternative payment methods space, Chances are you’ve probably used a form of digital payment at some point in your life, either for yourself or someone else—you’ll recognize them in the likes of gift cards, mobile top-up or prepaid payment cards,” states Parvez Jasani (President of CELLPAY). 

Addressing the Customers’ Issues

Parvez as an experienced leader saw this digital transformation as an opportunity to transform a cellphone top company to DDS (DIGITAL DELIVERY SERVICE). While the transformation was happening around, he motivated himself to learn more about telecommunication. As he went further, his passion made him realize that using Prepaid Platforms and Mobile Telephones in the U.S. does not offer a one-stop-shop to make payment online. Also, the services were inconvenient for making payments. This was soon countered by CELLPAY through its customer-centric and problem-solving approach.

CELLPAY not only offers convenience and top-ups but is also the finest payment platform including unbanked/underbanked, underserved wireless customers by providing a convenient, secure, instant, and one-stop solution for all their needs 24×7. CELLPAY acknowledges that secure payment is one of the crucial issues for any customer. Addressing the issue, it has developed unique no-pin top-up delivery which converts every PIN to a direct top-up and makes recharge convenient.

Enhancing the Security

To further enhance the security, it has added three different ways for payment which include online payment, IVR, and text 2 pay. CELLPAY has developed a number validation to protect the consumer to choose the wrong carrier, added protection against double loading.

Protection from online hackers: Cell Pay’s Unique Cellphone Number Validator (Patent process to be initiated) Protection against double-loading (single payment and multiple recharges): restricting double loading for a pre-defined period Fraud protection: 160-point verification (the type of card, POP/POS device, IP address tracking, Country of origin for the request, etc.)

What is your Secret Recipe to Success?

Being recently ranked #5 on Inc. 500 list, Parvez says, “Have a Great Idea. All businesses start as an idea, whether they end up as successful businesses or not. Some businesses are successful as soon as they launch based solely on the strength of the ideas behind them.” For any entrepreneur or business, the sole purpose is to create a customer and hold the customer with unique solutions and services.  The majority of the time, energy, and money should be applied to creating customers for the business. Further, he advises, “Your Strategy Should Be Continuous Improvement: The business world is rapidly changing, and competition is both aggressive and plentiful. Focus on ways to improve yourself and your business. If a day goes by when your business is not getting better, then you can be sure it’s getting worse.”

Inevitable Transformation

2020 was the year of many startling changes, we witnessed businesses shutting down and also few businesses changing their strategies. Another major transformation that took place was forced digitalization. Every company was pushed towards online and remote working. This also meant there was a huge surge in digital payment methods.

Conversing about these changes and their aftermath, Parvez asserts, “The first is, we had no choice. We were all quarantined in our homes.. We needed to buy things, and everybody had to buy things online. Eventually, that turned from this necessity to convenience. People realized; you don’t have to wait in line at a cashier; it can be delivered whenever you want.”

A Pioneer in Digital Payment 

Transformation is a part of the business world. Those who understand business understand how transformation helps the business to push beyond its limits. As a leading company, CELLPAY is working to rank the company as a pioneer in digital payment. Furthermore, the company is also thriving to make it a one-stop-shop for all your digital payment needs including top-up, international top-up, gift card, sim card, crypto payment, bill payment, lotto, and anything and everything can be digitally delivered. CELLPAY understands that there is a constant change in the demands of the customers. The company is in the process to make its own POS serve B2B store (convince store).

Currently, there are 80 million people in the US who are underbanked and 20 million people undocumented and most of these customers can only way they can make payments in cash. CELLPAY is a developing platform, which will be deployed in convince sores where the consumer can visit with cash and make payment for the phone bill, utility bill, buy a gift card and it is also adding bitcoin so the customers will be able to buy bitcoin also with cash.

Quote:   “We are different from other payment websites because we are simple and aim to offer a secure, fast, and easy way to make payment.”