February 2, 2025
January 19, 2025
Despite the doubts and guesses, AI tech is being leveraged on a large scale today. Smart cities rely on sensors that collect and integrate various data such as environmental data, equipment operation data, consumer attributes, and behaviour data. Through integrating this data with AI it analyses and remotely controls facilities and equipment to optimize urban infrastructure, facilities, and operations. By adding video+AI to this smart city will enable the tech to scan abnormalities and dangers that sensors and AI warn, furthermore, if AI processing is performed at the location (edge) where the surveillance cameras are installed, it will result in actions in real-time. In addition, AI recognition accuracy can be improved because the video does not need to be compressed for transmission.
This sensor information for smart cities acts as the nervous system. EDGEMATRIX’s cutting-edge offerings serve as an infrastructure and platform for visualizing smart cities like the eyes of a human. EDGEMATRIX is an industry pioneer that provides video edge AI from end-to-end as a one-stop shop. The team has been developing and providing video edge AI devices even before the foundation of the company in 2019.
EDGEMATRIX was born in 2019 by a spin-off of the Japanese AI project team at CLOUDIAN, headquartered in Silicon Valley. The team conducted a demonstration experiment to identify the type of vehicle running on the highway by AI and post the optimum advertisement for digital signage. Traditionally, the transmission of HD videos to the cloud was a delayed process, and also the transmission reduced image accuracy. This makes it necessary to bring an AI processing server to the site (edge). Based on this, the team developed a compact device “Edge AI Box” that has a built-in high-performance GPU, WiFi/LTE/5G communication, camera connection, and other interfaces to enable video edge AI at any site. Considering that video edge AI will be installed at various bases that are difficult for humans to manage, EDGEMATRIX started offering a platform for remote management of Edge AI Box, cameras, and AI apps in 2020.
EDGEMATRIX AI offerings range from video edge AI devices (Edge AI Box), remote management platforms (EDGEMATRIX platform service), sales of AI applications (EDGEMATRIX store), and on-site implementation including installation work including cameras and adjustments. These cutting-edge AI offerings are different from the usual AI cameras as they are robust and reliable devices. The devices are often used to detect and notify the condition of people, vehicles, and objects, such as intrusion into railroad tracks, traffic volume on roads, number of parking lots, and congestion in large-scale customer attraction facilities. In addition, it is often used for safety and security such as danger warnings at railway stations, fall accident warning at nursing care facilities, and suspicious person detection at material storage areas.
‘Edge+AI+Video’ is an important technological trend that will help create a safe and secure society. The real-time analysis without delay is the ability that EDGEMATRIX’s video edge AI possesses. The company’s strength is the accumulation of know-how that it has visited the site, installed video edge AI, and optimized it. This exceptional application is the unique differentiator for EDGEMATRIX as compared to the other AI companies in the industry.
EDGEMATRIX’s platform service not only detects events occurring from the on-site video but also allows remote confirmation of the on-site situation in real-time using video. To achieve this, EDGEMATRIX uses P2P technology like Zoom and Skype—not used to connect people like in online meetings— which helps to connect people to on-site camera images. The platform service comprises a function to notify AI warnings by e-mail etc. and an “Edge View” function that enables multiple AI-processed videos to be monitored from anywhere via an Internet browser at the same time. As compared to IoT that uses conventional sensors, this IoT can monitor on-site images in real-time can be said to be a unique feature of EDGEMATRIX.
Furthermore, the EDGEMATRIX store allows the customers to purchase and use AI apps developed by its partner. Customers can use the video edge AI tech immediately without developing their own AI application—imitating a business model like the iPhone App Store. EDGEMATRIX team believes that this is the best business model for smart cities where AI apps are used. Especially considering the AI development and adoption in recent years, having the mechanism to distribute AI apps will help customers use AI easily.
EDGEMATRIX has been one of the leading innovators that are developing and providing breakthrough products and services with new concepts that never existed before. Though innovation is critical to stand out in the market, in the early stages of any product or service there are many unexpected problems. Despite the encountered issues, the team can deliver on their promise of top-notch function, quality, and delivery time.
“Also, the evaluation of innovation is limited to a period when products and services are born. After that, it will be necessary to operate products and services in a stable and long-term manner. At this stage, it becomes more important to continue to be evaluated as ‘reliable’,” explains Hiroshi Ohta, the Co-founder, and CEO of EDGEMATRIX.
Hiroshi is an innovative pioneer, who has led the development of varied industry-first products and services in the mobile communication industry, including camera phones and photo mail services. It has become a world standard of service and technology. Hiroshi also formerly served as the executive officer of Vodafone Japan and Softbank, leading the development of products and services. At CLOUDIAN, he was a co-founder and a member of the board of directors.
Hiroshi’s exemplary entrepreneurial experience has proven as one of the pillars for EDGEMATRIX’s success. For aspiring entrepreneurs, he added that the key to a successful start-up is to stay abreast of market trends. Hiroshi adds, “Since the movement of the market can be inferred logically to some extent, I think that the qualities to create the story are important.” This is what the team did when they thought of launching the video edge AI business. Hiroshi highlighted that finding people who understand your story are more likely to profit the business and help it grow further and faster, thus leading to accelerating commercialization and its growth.
EDGEMATRIX has successfully improved its quality of products and services over the years at various installation locations in Japan. Now with the accumulated know-how and experience, the team is looking forward to the expansion. EDGEMATRIX has obtained the technical certification for the wireless module built into the Edge AI Box and now will start selling products in North America and Asia. The major global distributors and partners have already started activities of sale. Considering this pace, the market size of EDGEMATRIX products will grow several times.
Apart from this, the team is also working on developing the use of Edge AI Box in the building. This leverages a surveillance camera and Edge AI Box to recognize warnings and abnormalities issued by sensor information used in the building, such as power supply, lighting, air conditioning, entry/exit management, etc. It will be possible to control accidents occurring in the field in real-time while monitoring them with video. “We will extend this development result to sensor information used in smart cities, and expand the area where products and services are applied to safe and secure social infrastructure,” concludes Hiroshi.
“Look ahead to market trends, create stories of what’s to come, explain in an easy-to-understand way, and involve many partners.”