Furniture Reuse Solutions, Inc.- Transforming Surplus Into Sustainability and Compassion

The demand for humanitarian organizations across the globe is ever-rising. Decommissioning projects have different timelines and requirements regarding the supply of used furniture. Thus, Furniture Reuse Solutions, Inc. was established in 2020 to bridge the sustainability gap between this demand and the supply of used furniture. 

The business is client-centricwith its model built around what the charities and clients need – these are top priorities. Regarding the continuously changing client needs and operating structure, Megan Draper, President and CEO, says, “It is part of our responsibility to stay on top of current trends and implement new strategies to best assist our clients and the charities we serve.”

FRS – Efficiently Redistributing Furniture 

Furniture Reuse Solutions is a WBENC-certified woman-owned business enterprise highly focused on diversity within the company. When surplus furnishings are generated through refurbishment projects, the company offers solutions that reduce the environmental impact and costs while augmenting social benefits. A solution can include all or some of the following elements: recycling, charitable donation, and liquidation. 

Whether the receiver of the furniture is a disadvantaged school, refugee center, thrift store, or orphanage, to name only a few, the no-cost furniture offers value to communities and individuals. In fact, the company serves clients in various industries, redistributing dormitories, classrooms, gymnasiums, medical facilities, laboratories, institutional kitchens, cafeterias, and office furniture to keep the gently-used furniture in use. Utilizing this approach to asset management assists in reducing landfill waste, further decreasing the environmental impact. 

FRS uses an integrated approach to find the ideal fit for the clients’ surplus inventories. The furnishings no longer required in US organizations can be used for a good cause by non-profits and charities across the globe. FRS matches these inventories with domestic and international groups to assist their humanitarian endeavors further. 

Even though each client, and hence the process, is different, the company gets its primary core data concerning the client’s timeline and all associated logistical factors. Then, the team works to align with non-profit organizations to focus on ongoing humanitarian aid projects. “Our team is proud of the continuing impact we have on the lives of others resulting from our partnerships with the charities these items support,” says Draper. 

Once FRS gets a signed proposal from the client, the inventory is matched with non-profit recipients and liquidators. Then, the team ensures a hassle-free pickup of furnishings from the client’s premises. This is done by ensuring they confirm all operational elements with ample time to make any required changes to logistics. 

It allows them to reduce any hiccups that may take place on the site. The company maintains strong vendor relationships with various logistics companies that provide these pickup services. 

The Inception of Furniture Reuse Solutions  

During COVID, several people, including Draper and her team members, lost their jobs due to downsizing. Thus, they made the decision to establish Furniture Reuse Solutions. They knew they had unique skills and talents to bring to the industry of repurposing surplus furniture into the communities that best utilize it. 

The team is driven by the passion for making a difference in others’ lives by working on behalf of the charities the company has partnered with and by educating their clients on how the process benefits others. 

The company’s expertise makes clients choose FRS instead of its competitors, thus allowing their clients to concentrate on other aspects of decommissioning. The venture is entirely focused on the project from beginning to end. Each project is specially tailored to the respective requirements. 

Draper says, “We factor for multiple potential scenarios unfolding and have strong partnerships with many vendors, ensuring we provide a cost-effective solution for the client while ensuring the quality and expectations of each charity we assist. Provided the furniture can withstand transit, the furniture benefits children and adults in the United States and abroad through the humanitarian organizations we partner with.”

FRS Team: Driving Positive Change 

The FRS team is diverse in its approaches to its clients. The members have a profound background in the transportation industry, startup ventures, customer service, and the non-profit sector. Each member brings an extraordinary perspective, allowing the company to continue transforming its processes. These skills and talents also assist in quickly configuring and executing potential solutions while finishing projects on time. 

The team is driven by several philosophies, which motivate them to continue burning the midnight oil. One of the fundamental principles is “If you love what you do, you never work a day in your life,” shares Draper. FRS is focused on making the world a better place for everyone. Knowing that children are the future of this world and they deserve a chance to succeed is what continues to inspire the team.

Last but not least, the FRS team is proud to work together with humanitarian organizations. This not only allows them to help in providing the furniture but also enables them to partner with organziations that offer the most essential things like clean drinking water, shelter, medicine, and food. 

Towards a Better Tomorrow  

In the long run, FRS plans to continue to aid its clients in repurposing their furniture with humanitarian organizations in the US and abroad. This will further expand the knowledge of how to best assist in bridging the sustainability gap and increase the number of individuals benefitting from the same. 

Draper says, “Our team is committed to making a difference, and that is strengthening our resolve to continue to assist others and work hard to do just that.” 

Company Description: Furniture Reuse Solutions is focused on bridging the sustainability gap between this demand for furniture within humanitarian organizations and the organizations with the furniture to give. 

Pull Quote: “Our team is proud of the continuing impact we have on the lives of others resulting from our partnerships with the charities these items support. ”

Company Name: Furniture Reuse Solutions, Inc.

Founding Year: 2020

Office Locations: Carlsbad, California; Seattle, Washington; Los Angeles, California

Official Website of the Company: 

Name of the Featured Leader: Megan Draper

Designation of the Leader: President & CEO