What are the key company milestones for the next 6-12 months that need to be achieved?
Over the next 6 to 12 months we plan to get our network deployed on the Curvalux technology utilizing our wireless spectrum so that we can deliver this massively disruptive product set across California to urban, rural, and suburban communities. We are aiming to build the automation and systems so that our customers can have a user-friendly, positive experience when visiting our website. Once complete, they will be able to find the service availability, place an order in an intuitive and painless process, select an installation date that is just 5-7 days away, monitor their circuits, and conduct testing from the ease of our website and a mobile application.
Ultimately, we want all of our customers to have as much data available at their fingertips as possible so they can troubleshoot their issues and have peace of mind as well as comfort and trust when interacting with their Internet provider.
We also have two pilot projects underway which are public-private partnerships to bring gigabit+ level access to low-income urban communities with this technology. We’re so excited to upgrade our entire client base, our wholesalers’ client base, and grow the reach of grow the reach of high speed broadband services to services to areas it was never previously thought possible or financially feasible.