How Norio Fujita from Soft Giken went from Rags to Riches and Beyond

The biggest misconception about rags to riches stories is pretty straight forward. You see the story and hope that someone who is going through a similar situation would find the necessary inspiration to dream big and motivate a handful who would initiate the necessary action to get out of the situation.

While the iceberg analogy may sound cliche and used extensively in the entrepreneurial journey, it is befitting in Norio Fujita’s case. Born in a house that became a noodle manufacturing facility soon after World War II, Fujita’s story has its own twist to it. Read on to know more.

Tokyo based Soft Giken came into existence in 1983. Founder and Representative Director, Fujita had a vision. “I wanted to realize my philosophy independently. The idea of “making every world better” with the aim of contributing to the world with software. I think software is a collection of “knowledge”, “wisdom” and “intelligence”. I thought that I could do business while contributing to the spread of the “passwordless society” that the FIDO Alliance is aiming for.”

He continues, “At Soft Giken, we aim to create solutions that enable everyone to handle all kinds of information in the world safely and securely and become a leading company in a new era. As for the disaster prevention information business, we are engaged in the construction of a social infrastructure (river, road, atmosphere, etc. monitoring and disaster prevention information management) system that contributes to public safety.

Since it is currently a contracting business, we will develop for our target in-house solution. In the security business, we are developing and providing a solution (YubiOn) that strengthens the safety of the PC entrance (PC LogOn). Furthermore, we aim to realize not only the entrance of the PC but also the security of data and a comprehensive solution, including strengthening cooperation with other companies.”

“The Future Creates Now.”

The sense of purpose and innovation dawned on him early. He grew up watching his parents and siblings innovate and stellar sales efforts. Communication and culture at Soft Giken focuses on purpose. “We know that purpose is the most important recognition. Understand that by doing so, you will reach a big goal. Roles are expressed by the individual’s sense of purpose rather than giving.”

His childhood has helped him grasp the fundamentals of business and leadership. “Since I was a kid, I often learned good and bad things by watching and listening to the behavior of parents who were inventors of instant noodles. Timing is important for business, but it becomes a detour if you do things hastily. The way parents live, who are always honest and honourable poverty, is a catalyst for creating one of my ways. I was observing parents who ran around and made best efforts for people all day long, but sometimes I wondered what the benefits would be. When sleeping, it is hard to describe the appearance of parents who are raising money tomorrow in the middle of the night. When I grew up, I didn’t like this. I had gradually felt the importance of helping people when I was adolescents when the contradiction became big, and came to understand why parents really care about others, not just themselves. I think that the greatest leadership is to develop individual abilities (thoughtfulness). A wise and thoughtful leader is the true leader (servant leader).“

First projects are special. At Soft Giken, Fujita commemorates his first project. “The first project was to build a steel-related system at Mitsubishi Electric. At that time, it was an epoch-making thing to realize a system with software, and it was a big business and we were able to establish a network of contacts with a major electronics manufacturer. After that, we started a project to build a social infrastructure (river, road, atmospheric monitoring, and disaster prevention information management) system that contributes to public safety. This is still the main business of Soft Giken.”

Leadership is an important trait but what makes a great leader? Fujita attributes it to the supporters. “There is no doubt that the leader takes the initiative, and when the leader takes the lead, the supporters gather around.”

Fujita elucidates his stand with grace and poise. “Since there are various people, the organization is weak only by the people who follow, and by supporting the field leaders, the probability of achieving the original purpose is increased. I believe that the true leader, in any situation, is to develop employees’ abilities to the limit.”

To all the budding entrepreneurs out there, he has a very special message. “The purpose should be to contribute to the world. If the purpose is what you really want to do, it can be anything. A global way of life that does business all over the world is also good. Sincerely free and responsible behavior is important.”

His experience reflects in his choice of words when expressing his views on what one would otherwise deem mundane. “Targeting profits is not bad, but not good. Because profit is the result of contribution. Maximizing value is essential to business continuity, but it is a way, not a purpose. If you try not to fail, you will not succeed. It is easy to succeed, do not give up until you reach the pinnacle of success. There is a big purpose, a purpose makes the method, and you use this method to start a business.”

With profound focus on purpose comes this resilience and foresightedness. Fujita demonstrates those qualities with such thoughtfulness that makes us believe that it isn’t just about rags to riches. There are multiple layers within the two and an opportunity to grow beyond the two worlds.

About Norio Fujita

Founder and Representative Director Norio Fujita was born in a house that started noodle manufacturing shortly after World War II. He grew up by seeing his parents and elder brothers’ passion for developing new products, powerful sales efforts, and their approach. Established Soft Giken Co., Ltd. in November 1983. He has continued profitable management since he founded Soft Giken.

About Soft Giken Co., Ltd.

We at Soft Giken are developing systems by making full use of IT technology based on the idea of “improving every world .” We develop social systems that support everyone’s lives and provide security services that protect important information .

Personal information represented by My Number is important information that everyone has. From now on, we will become a society where security must be more conscious not only for companies but also for individuals. We help protect your information with the YubiOn security service that we can do.

Think and challenge for everyone, not for someone. In all cases, the current action is determined by the purpose. We will continue to provide systems and services for people and the world while constantly innovating, without being bound by past achievements and common sense.

We will propose services from the customer’s point of view and practice system development to improve. From the desire to improve society, we will take on new challenges and develop systems and services that benefit the world. A group of engineers who can think and act responsibly.