Medical 24/7 : Making Healthcare Affordable and Accessible Everywhere, to Everyone

Medical 24/7
best healthcare companies 2021

The disparity in society is quite visible. Among the several innovations and technologies, the privilege has often been available or affordable for the ones on the top or middle of the hierarchy. The same hierarchy is followed in healthcare too. Healthcare should be affordable to all. The problem in healthcare has been visible to all for a long period. The unsustainable cost continues to rise and high-quality care comes at a cost, which the poor cannot pay. While the insurance covers most of the examination and treatments for the rich, the poor have to wait for an emergency to receive healthcare—which might be too late for a treatment.

Mr. Claver Misago could not overlook the drastic gap and disparity. He is an experienced entrepreneur with a demonstrated history of working in the healthcare industry with an engineering background. After witnessing the issues, he was determined to come up with a solution. With a mission to make healthcare affordable and accessible for everyone, he founded Medical 24/7.

Claver has attended the Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Penn State, and Guilford Technical Community College. He has served a significant time in the industry to witness the issues and has worked tirelessly to grow the company to success. He is an Honoured Member of the International Society of Business Leaders (ISoBL), Claver was recognized by the International Forum on Advancement in Healthcare (IFAH) as 1 of the Top 100 healthcare Leaders and also been named as one of the most successful and visionary leaders. Under his leadership, Medical 24/7 has grown leaps and bounds.

One-of-its-kind Platform

Over the years, Claver researched and conducted trials and Medical 24/7 managed to find a solution to tackle the problem of rising prices in healthcare. The company is building a one-of-its-kind blockchain platform that involves all stakeholders in the healthcare industry. The platform is aimed to solve the rising costs of healthcare issues by providing a solution that is accessible and affordable to everyone and everywhere. It is offering turnkey solutions for healthcare worldwide by leveraging advanced techs like Blockchain technologies, Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and others.

Medical 24/7 is providing a patient-centric healthcare platform with patients—regardless of rich or poor—have control of their own data, while also easing the burden on the doctors, nurses, and healthcare administrators by offering solutions to the serious problems facing medical organizations. The quality of care is not compromised on budget, so Medical 24/7 can fulfill its mission of making healthcare affordable for everyone. The company has been recognized as one of the Top 10 Most Revolutionary AI Companies in Healthcare 2021 and ranked among the Top 100 Healthcare companies by the IFAH.

Targeting accurate issues

Medical 24/7’s unique platform and distinctive solutions have been one of the main reasons behind its accomplishments and success. These distinctive solutions are directed towards the specific gaps in the healthcare industry. As aforementioned, the costs in healthcare are rising unsustainably and the goal of the company is to put an end to this disparity by leveraging advanced technologies. These advanced technologies will facilitate the delivery of affordable and accessible healthcare everywhere, to everyone.

For years, the endless challenges and issues have been growing without any regard to the solution. The fingers have been pointed in all directions but the conclusion is that we all are victims of the profoundly damaged healthcare systems. The Medical 24/7 team has been successful in identifying the issues that lead to higher costs in healthcare. These issues can be listed as:

  • Fragmentation in Systems: Medical 24/7 is targeting the fragmentation in healthcare systems and inequality in healthcare accessibility. Due to the fragmented system patient’s data is scattered in different entities with incompatible systems. The issue can be resolved by leveraging advanced technologies and Medical 24/7 is dedicated to providing interoperability services within the healthcare IT Ecosystem.
  • Data Security Breach: Lack of data security, privacy, and transparency has also been contributing to the damaged system. Through this unique platform, patients will be in charge of their own health data, and they can decide who can access their health data, share it, and add to it. The patient can give or revoke access permissions to his data.
  • Scalability in data: The platform aims to provide scalability. Another factor contributing to a fragmented system is the lack of scalability. However, by using advanced technologies, Medical 24/7 is poised to solve health data issues.

Secure, Trustworthy, and Reliable

Medical 24/7 regularly conducts user research to further augment the platform. The team attentively listens to the needs of nations and communities. By leveraging advanced techs like Blockchain, AI, IoT, and telemedicine, the team is working on solving the problems. It is currently working on Interoperability, wearable sensors, IoT, Blockchain Telemedicine, and AI. These techs will be used to collect, store, share and manage health data while providing solutions for security, scalability, and data privacy.

Claver is confident that Medical 24/7 can help avert medical disasters. With the advent of pandemic and the destruction we noticed, the question of survival is inevitable. However, Medical 24/7 as a blockchain platform is secure, trustworthy, and reliable—even in a pandemic. He adds, “The COVID-19 pandemic caught the world off guard. Never again! If another such disaster happens, we will be ready and prepared to protect communities worldwide.

A wake-up Call

COVID-19 has acted as a wake-up call for everyone, thus, the future of healthcare looks promising. The chaos among countries could be avoided if there would have been global cooperation to eradicate diseases and deliver higher quality healthcare that is Affordable and Accessible. Medical 24/7 is abreast of this realization and has been already dedicating its effort to creating one of the leading global healthcare platforms with strong interoperability capabilities.

Acknowledging the positive changes in the healthcare landscape, Claver concludes, “We are seeing some regulations that have been a barrier for healthcare advancements being lifted. This is a step in the right direction to solve healthcare issues. We all win when our communities are healthy.”


“No matter where you are in the world, you need access to quality health care at a price you can afford. Medical 24/7 is here to make that dream a reality.”

“Our blockchain technology applications are designed to eliminate administrative fees; overpriced testing; duplicate treatments & fraudulent billings.”

“We are creating a future where Healthcare is Affordable & Accessible everywhere, to everyone; we are creating partnerships for that purpose, and always striving for significant outcomes.”