February 2, 2025
January 19, 2025
The firm was established to provide customized advisory services in a complex tax, accounting, and economic world. The real emphasis is guidance, coaching, and advisory services that incorporate the real world, reason, and a skillful understanding that practice is different from theory.
The traditional professional firm is established to provide compliance-based services upon request of their customers. Being too focused on demand side compliance service offerings precludes a firm’s ability to emphasize the more interesting and valuable future-focused reliance services. These services lead to a better future. Traditional services are for historians that merely record what was and are unable to guide customers to what can be. We have a different and far more valuable mindset that helps people arrive at where they would like to be rather than inform them as to where they have been.
We opened our business on December 1, 1994 and on December 2nd we received our first referral. We were referred to a young team of computer gamers working on new technology utilizing (the then novel) integrated live action film into action computer gaming.
The team were a start-up and we received a very warm referral from a trusted advisor. They were interviewing several reputable firms and we were clearly the “new kids on the block”. An advantage of our Profession is that reputations and skills carry forward and even though we were a young firm, we were highly skilled and ready to help customers.
At first, the interview with the prospective customer was typical. Questions regarding tax and accounting philosophies, pricing methods, commitment to be their advocate, etc. They were struggling with their selection. Do they choose the “known” firm with years of reputation or the new firm with personality? Ultimately the tie breaker came down to comic books.
Gamers love comics. They devour them and know their histories. During our interview my partner, Patrick, had to step aside for a call. When he returned, he expressed his apologies for stepping aside but that was his comic book store who called to advise that a special order had arrived. When Patrick explained this, the eyes and smiles of our prospective customer grew wide and now they were impressed. It seems that Patrick is a comic book aficionado and that simply made Patrick and I approachable with a bunch of CGI programmers that lived daily in their fantastical creations.
Fast forward 26 years and that group of gamers, our first customer, is still working with us. Now they own a film studio where they create traditional and CGI feature films.
We expanded our company along the path of curiosity.
Simple curiosity drives new services. Following the market is a MeTu (me too) methodology. In other words, it is easy and safe to be a late comer to the implementation of new technologies and services. The first few years or cycles are the most difficult because there are no “road maps” for one to follow. It is simple to provide expanded services if there is a recipe provided by consultants, checklists provided by professional bodies, and peers next door to provide coaching. It is a completely different situation for trailblazers.
Trailblazers do not have it easy. Trailblazers create the recipes for future generations to follow. Trailblazers have to rough it out. Trailblazers write the rules and processes for others to follow. Trailblazers also frequently get scratched by the unforeseen thorns along their blazed trails. Trailblazers like new things as new things create wonderful opportunities. Innovation and innovative services, defined as services provided this year that were not provided in prior years help maintain a youthful and curious team culture. Like the old saying; “only the lead (sled) dog’s view changes; all others are mere followers. We like being the lead dog and we really appreciate a changing landscape.
Formalized vision statements are too frequently written and never read. Of course we have one; it simply isn’t as exciting as our registered trademark of Not Just Another CPA Firm.
We use our slogan as a guiding framework. To be different. To be better. To be more creative. To be all of the things that the common firm isn’t. This leads to a future bright with promise, bright with ideas, bright with energy, and bright with togetherness.
The biggest mistake we made was to price by the hour. We followed the crowd. We priced in the middle. We didn’t differentiate ourselves and we thought we were just like the other firm. Nothing is further from the truth. We are a unique firm with unique capabilities. Accordingly, soon after we switched to fixed and value-based pricing. Pricing for purpose aligns the interest of the customer with the firm. Pricing for purpose confirms we earn more by working smart rather than working long and hard. Pricing for purpose incentivizes the firm to be innovative, nimble, and smart whereas hourly based pricing incentivises the firm to work slow, repetitive, and inefficient.
Innovation, creativity, top-notch professionals, and an awesome work product. Happy customers drive future growth.
We believe in Liberty. Liberty is the individual’s ability to pursue the opportunities they value without structural interference from government or other institutions. Accordingly, we believe that institutional barriers that prevent Liberty are worthy of challenging. This philosophy supports concepts of racial, gender, religious, and orientation equality. We believe that those suffering should receive support and systems to help them improve their lives. We believe in personal choice and personal responsibility and accordingly we hold people accountable for their decisions and we provide opportunities for corrective measures.
How do you see the world economy shape up post-COVID?
Different than what it was. More careful. Over time behaviors will change to a new normal and we will all know it only after it arrives.
What makes you leap out of bed every morning when it comes down to Morris D’angelo?
To help other people achieve their dreams and aspirations is a worthy pursuit to start each and every day.
Do you have any new products ready to be/getting ready to be rolled out into the market?
We will continue to innovate new services designed to help families protect their wealth, their families, their entrepreneurship, and their philanthropy. All dedicated to help people achieve their dreams.
We exist for YOU — for your Freedom and Independence that allows the possibility of achieving your best financial outcomes. It’s All About You and Your Peace of Mind: We Sell Sleep We are a Strategic CPA and High-End Financial Consultancy Firm with global locations to help our customers maximize their Liberty toward their ability that Achieves all they Desire. We price for purpose and results; Our pricing is not based on time. Our customers are the sole arbiter of our value for them. That’s our Service Guarantee.
Headquarters: San Jose, California
Contact Number: 408.292.2892
Email address: [email protected]