Technologies Involved In Enhancing An AI-based E-learning Platform

AI-based E-learning Platform

Pointers at Glance

  • The e-learning sector is an industry with the highest growth rate. Everyone using an e-learning platform can use artificial intelligence to the fullest extent.
  • Artificial intelligence in eLearning offers everything the industry needs to transform and improve learning for all learners and increase knowledge retention. 

Understanding the significance of AI in the education industry, an innovative, AI-based platform was created by researchers that could enhance remote learning. This Ai-based e-learning platform allows educators to monitor the performance of students. It also helps verify the compulsory attendance needed for online classes or exams.

edBB, An AI-based E-learning Platform

Demo-edBB, an initial prototype of the AI-based e-learning platform, is scheduled to be presented at the AAAI-23 Conference on Artificial Intelligence in February 2022 in Washington.

Recently, researchers have been working on novel technologies for e-learning that enhances the development of AI-based platform with both biometric and behavioral analysis tools.

Technologies Involved in edBB

A platform, edBB, was developed especially to enhance online student evaluation processes with more security. It includes various technologies, such as biometric identification tools, that identify users based on their behavior. The integral version of the platform is yet to be completed.

The developed AI-based platform relies on a multi-modal learning framework that can analyze various kinds of data, such as images, audio, and videos. Biometric and behavioral detection technologies can detect students’ behavior and ensure more security during online classes. It can also enhance the learning process and help estimate the students’ stress levels.

The current demo version of the platform can authenticate and recognize the actions of humans in videos and estimate a student’s heart rate via webcam footage and facial expressions. This platform might assist in advanced remote learning and facilitate personalized online learning. It also identifies any possible issues that affect the learning of students.

Furthermore, the researchers want to amplify the investigation fields into gaze tracking, answer prediction, visual attention estimation, etc.