10 Interesting Facts About The Great Wall of China

Facts About The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is one of the most remarkable architectural wonders in the world. It is a testament to the ingenuity and determination of the Chinese people. It is not only an impressive feat of engineering, but it also has a rich and fascinating history. It continues to attract millions of tourists from around the globe each year and is regarded as one of the world’s seven wonders.

The Great Wall of China boasts several fascinating features as an engineering marvel. Here, we will explore the top 10 interesting facts about this magnificent structure. Notably, the following:

  1. The Great Wall spans an impressive length of 13,171 miles (21,196 kilometres), making it officially the longest wall in the world.
  2. Walking its entire length would take at least a year and a half.
  3. The wall reaches heights between 15 and 30 feet (4.5 and 9.1 meters), making it an impressively tall structure.

10 Facts To Know About The Great Wall of China

Let us discuss in detail on the 10 interesting facts about the Great Wall of China

1. The Great Wall of China Is Not A Single Continuous Wall

The Great Wall of China is not a single continuous wall. It is a series of walls connected by fortifications and natural barriers like mountains. These fortifications were built by various Chinese dynasties to protect the northern borders from invasions. The length of these wall segments differs, with the largest section spanning more than 5,000 miles (8,046 kilometers).

The earliest parts of the wall date back to the 7th century BC during the Warring States period. As time passed, additional walls and fortifications were built and connected to create a more unified defensive structure.

Today, many different sections of the Great Wall are open to visitors, each with its own unique history and features. While some sections are well-preserved and have undergone restoration, others are slowly declining.

2. The Largest Man-Made Project In The World

With a total length of 21,196.18 kilometers, the Great Wall is the largest human-made project in the world. Its complete route spans more than 20,000 kilometers, running from the eastern seaside to the western desert in northern China, twisting and turning across mountains and plateaus such as a mythical dragon.

It is the most extensive wall in the world and is longer than the distance between New York City and Sydney.

3. Visible From Space With The Right Weather Conditions

The Great Wall of China can be seen from space. But, this can only be achieved through radar imaging, and not with the naked eye or from the moon.

The right weather conditions are necessary to capture the wall from space according to NASA. It is possible with the fact that the Great Wall was constructed on elevated terrain, and extends for miles and miles across the northern landscape of China.

When viewed from space, the contrast between the wall’s light color and the darker landscape surrounding it makes it clearly visible, especially on clear days and at specific angles. It is to be noted that it is not visible from space with a naked eye under normal conditions.

4. Built By Soldiers, Peasants, and Prisoners

Under the direction of General Meng Tian, the construction of the Great Wall demanded an enormous amount of manual labor. He formed his own workforce by combining prisoners, local farmers, and trained soldiers to complete the project.

Their expertise in engineering and combat helped them to collaborate effectively and construct the huge fortifications that formed the Great Wall of China.

5. Made of Different Materials

The Great Wall’s construction incorporated a range of materials such as brick, tamped earth, and stone. However, what makes it unique is the binding agent used to hold it all together.

The sticky rice was used in the mortar to build the Facts About The Great Wall of China during the Ming Dynasty. When mixed with lime, sand, and water, it created a durable material that could resist earthquakes and other natural disasters. This innovation allowed for the use of locally available and sustainable material instead of importing costly resources.

Remarkably, parts of the Great Wall built using this rice mortar are still standing today, hundreds of years later. Additionally, using rice in construction was a significant advancement in the area, enabling workers to employ a locally available and sustainable material rather than importing expensive resources from distant locations.

6. Not Very Effective In Keeping Invaders Out

Despite its impressive size and construction, the Great Wall was ineffective in keeping invaders out. The wall was breached several times, and invading armies often found ways to bypass it.

The wall did, however, serve as a psychological deterrent, and it was a symbol of China’s strength and power.

7. A UNESCO World Heritage site

The Great Wall of China was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1987. The UNESCO World Heritage Committee recognized the wall’s historical and cultural significance and impressive architecture.

8. Built Over A Long Period

The Great Wall was built over a long period of more than two thousand years. The first sections of the wall were built during the 7th century BC, while the most recent sections were built during the Ming dynasty.

9. Has Many Legends & Myths Associated With It

The Great Wall of China has many legends and myths associated with it. One of the most popular legends is the story of Meng Jiang, a woman who cried so hard when her husband was forced to work on the wall that her tears caused a section of the wall to collapse.

Another legend is the story of a dragon who helped the workers build the wall.

It is one of the most popular tourist destinations in China as well as in the world. Millions of people visit the wall yearly to see its impressive architecture and learn about its fascinating history.

Visitors can hike along the wall, visit ancient watchtowers, and explore the surrounding countryside.


The Great Wall of China is an impressive feat of engineering and has a rich and fascinating history and is the longest wall in the world. Despite its size and construction, the wall was not very effective in keeping invaders out, but it served as a psychological deterrent and a symbol of China’s strength and power.

It is also a UNESCO World Heritage site and a popular tourist destination, with millions of people visiting it every year.