How To Have A Smooth Recovery After Lung Cancer Surgery?

Lung Cancer Surgery

Pointers at Glance

  • The most commonly diagnosed cancer and a leading cause of cancer-related deaths globally is Lung cancer. The cells multiply abnormally in the lungs and form a malignant tumor.
  • To enhance smooth recovery after lung cancer surgery, you must follow the instructions of the doctor.

In India, 5.9% of all cancers are lung cancer. Also, 8.1% of all cancer-related deaths are due to lung cancer. In 2020, there were more than 2.2 million new cancer cases across the world, and approximately 81,200 cases were diagnosed with lung cancer in India.

Smoker or Non-smoker, Lung Cancer Can Still Affect You

As per the report from ICMR researchers, lung cancer cases are likely to rise seven-fold by 2025 compared to a decade ago because of a lack of population-level screening tools.

While smoking prevalence in patients with lung cancer is nearly 80%, the concern is that non-smokers are also not immune to lung cancer due to growing air pollution.

How Are The Patients Treated For Lung Cancer Surgery?

A multidisciplinary team approach is followed to plan for the best treatment for a specific case. Surgery, radiotherapy, and medical treatments of various types have helped improve treatment outcomes. Effective medical treatments in targeted therapy, immunotherapy and chemotherapy add to a patient’s quantity and quality of life.

Dr. Wadhwa says that with the improvements in personalized lung cancer treatment, early-stage patients get cured, and those with even stage 4 cancer live much longer and better. Hence, there is a lot of hope in terms of lung cancer prevention and treatment in the year 2022.

The Path To A Smooth Recovery After Lung Cancer Surgery

Dr (Col) P Suresh, Senior Consultant, Medical Oncology, says lung cancer patients frequently have difficulty returning home after surgery. Lobectomy is a common lung cancer surgery that removes one of the lobes from the lungs. After the surgery, the body’s healthy tissues make up for the missing lobe, so the lungs work well. It is a crucial surgery that takes time to heal.

He also says that one can experience pain, dry cough, shortness of breath, and fatigue after the surgery. To speed up smooth recovery, follow the instructions of the doctor regarding medication, activity, driving, and incision care.

Patients usually find themselves being more emotional while recovering, but it is natural, as recovering from cancer surgery is vast. That can be dealt with by keeping a journal or having an appointment to consult a cancer psychologist.

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