Top 10 Best Space Documentaries For The Curious Minds In 2022

Best Space Documentaries

Have movies like ‘Interstellar’ and ‘The Martian’ piqued your interest in exploring the galaxy? Netflix is home to some epic space documentaries which are more real and intriguing making you question the working of the universe?

Space has always been an interesting subject to explore, but some people’s appetite is not satisfied with another sci-fi movie. Various space documentaries explore the universe which is pretty much unreachable for people like you and me.

We have been through various theories and rumors about space like Area 51, the earth is flat, or the existence of alien life. Space documentaries have recorded and crafted some clips that might support some conspiracies while busting other myths surrounding the universe. If you are curious about man’s first step on the moon or you want to know what the infinite universe encompasses, all this is well documented and available for you to binge.

There are several options available across the internet where you can stream amazing space documentaries. However, Netflix and YouTube being common streaming platforms for billions, we have listed the top 10 best space documentaries which you can binge-watch in 2022 to fulfill your space appetite.

  1. Conscious Contact: Full Disclosure (2021)

Conscious Contact: Full Disclosure (2021)

Rating: NA

The experienced and experts discuss the existence of aliens, UFOs, telepathy, hybrids, and consciousness. The documentary explores the theme of human survival and the question of are we truly alone or evolved to a new epoch in the records of mankind’s existence.

  1. Last Exit: Space (2022)

Last Exit: Space

Rating: 5.7 IMDB

In a recent release of 2022, this space documentary covers the subject of space colonization, a voyage across the planet and into the stars and beyond.

  1. Voyage of Time: An IMAX Documentary (2016)

Voyage of Time: An IMAX Documentary (2016)

Rating: 7.2 IMDB

Listed among the best space documentaries which examine the origins of the universe including the beginning of life on Earth.

  1. Brian Cox’s Adventures in Space and Time (2021)

Brian Cox's Adventures in Space and Time

Rating: 7.7 IMDB

In this intriguing space documentary, Brian Cox tackles some of the most challenging and fascinating questions related to science today utilizing the best material from past programs and the latest scientific research.

  1. Among the stars

Among the stars

Rating: 7.7 IMDB

The series is still running and revolves around the important NASA mission of repairing a $2 billion science experiment- The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) that aims to reveal the origins. The viewers can catch the BTS of this mission.

  1. Countdown: Inspiration4 Mission to Space (2021)

Countdown: Inspiration4 Mission to Space (2021)

Rating: 7.9 IMDB

The space documentary captures the leading mission of four crew members making history in the first all-civilian mission to orbit which is recorded in near real-time. The experience is surreal and seat grabbing making it a must-watch.

  1. Aware: Glimpses of Consciousness (2021)

Aware: Glimpses of Consciousness (2021)

Rating: 8.0 IMDB

What human does not go through the dreadful existential crisis? In this documentary, we explore the theme of consciousness in living beings, the question of what happens when we die, and the mythical experience.

  1. Everything and Nothing (2011)

Everything and Nothing (2011)

Rating: 8.5 IMDB

It is a two-part documentary that will deal with the two deepest questions ‘what is everything?’ and ‘what is nothing?’ and the Prof. Jim Al-Khalili tries to prove everything and nothing in the quantum world of the super-small shaped vast universe.

  1. Wonders of the Universe (I)

Wonders of the Universe

Rating: 8.8 IMDB

The ongoing web series is covered by Prof. Brian Cox who visits some of the most dramatic parts of the globe and explains the fundamental principles that govern the laws of nature like light, gravity, energy, matter, and time.

  1. Cosmos: Possible Worlds (2020)

Cosmos: Possible Worlds

Rating: 9.1 IMDB

Who hasn’t watched Cosmos yet? One of the most acclaimed space documentaries by Neil deGrasse Tyson called ‘Cosmos: A Spacetime Odysses’ returns with another mind-blowing space documentary that will translate more revelations of science into a lavishly transporting experience,

FAQs answered about space documentaries

  1. What is the best space documentary?

What is the best space documentary?







Just like movies, even the best space documentaries are focused on a theme be it astronomy, stargazing, or space exploration. Depending on your interest you can prefer which space documentaries to watch. We believe you can find your fit in the above-listed best space documentaries which are exploring almost every theme and subject.

  1. Are space documentaries free to watch?


Are space documentaries free to watch?


Yes, some of the documentaries are free to watch on a handful of streaming sites like YouTube. But for the space documentaries available on platforms like Netflix or Amazon, there is a subscription fee that you have to pay.

  1. Do space documentaries have subtitles?


Do space documentaries have subtitles?


Yes. Also, some space documentaries come with built-in multi-language audio and captions. You can now learn about space without any language barrier.

What will you recommend!

Since the beginning of space exploration—or even before it—humans have tried to document the unknown and learn as much as they can about it. Space and the infinite universe have always been interesting topics to learn about and have been the reason behind the several debates of conspiracies on the internet—the flat earth argument is my favorite. Neil DeGrasse Tyson voicing the Cosmos and explaining how we cannot survive in space is a very mesmerizing experience.

These space documentaries are easy to watch and also help in gaining some perspective of how insignificant our existence is in comparison to what is out there. Grab your popcorn, get comfortable and start binge-watching the listed best space documentaries.

Have your recommendations? We would love to watch them too so do let us know.